Month: April 2010

  • I Painted This

    … and I shouldn’t have. Not while I have 10 more papers to write. But whatever.

  • A Deviant Experiment

    My deviantART account is at least 3 almost 4 years old. I don’t remember what prompted me to register an account there seeing that I absolutely do not consider myself an artist and had no intention to upload anything back then. Last night, I uploaded a rough, not-very-anatomically-accurate, digital sketch of the nosebleed-inducing Desire Demon…

  • A Typical Minute in Vickieland

    Not shown: Kegel exercises. There will be less/more/same amount of drawn crap once I get used to the graphics tablet. Maybe then my keyboard wouldn’t be keyless and my left arm wouldn’t be deformed and so on. *Translation: Learn to PVP, noob!