I am Sorry?

For various unapprehended ulterior motives, I have undertaken the encumbrance to replenish this memorandum with perspicacious dialect. Nevertheless, veritably, I have not an inkling as to what I am speculating. Perhaps to extirpate my quondam appellation of an extant procrastinator? Perchance, alternatively, to decamp the atrocious and nefarious hunk of Medical Engineering?

Despite the precedent affidavit, despite being necessitated to endure the perlustration befalling next Monday, I would recapitulate and substantiate that I have unequivocally luxuriated myself in the conspicuous scourge.

During the hardship, I have succored, and I have had countenance. Methinks that is what is momentous and imperative thereupon. A new me is engendered de novo. I have metamorphosed into a benevolent, cordial and affable being.

I shall adjourn, and expediently relinquish the entry subsequently. I envisage a moiety of these, haphazardly, being manipulated amiss.

Now, Biochemistry, forthwith!






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