When I was very young, there was this one nightmare that haunted me many times, in which I was forced to walk back and forth repeatedly in a sleepwalking/ Chinese zombies sort of fashion. There are random grown-ups who were made to do that alongside me as well, and we would keep on walking like that without any form of communication. However, the more I walked, the more nauseous I’d become. Before I couldn’t take it any more, though, it’d spiral and “everything” would come to an end. I’d wake up then, never had to throw up (thankfully), but the feelings certainly weren’t pleasant at all. I never understood those dreams.
Those nightmares stopped somehow when we moved house, but I started to have bad dreams of other things. I’d be in a room — a dark one, usually, with a lot of insects around me. They’d either be flying on the ceiling, crawling on the floor, or crawling all over me. I’d get up very quickly, especially in the last case, and would literally check that there are indeed no insects on the bed or in the room.
And ever since my braces were taken off (eight years ago?), I’ve been dreaming about my teeth falling out. I’d, at first, think that my teeth weren’t at the right place and try to move and fix them with my fingers. They’d look aligned for a bit, but would start to fall out several at a time until not many are left. I’d try to put them back in place, but would panic (and whimper?) when I realised that the teeth would just never go back to where they used to be.
The insect and teeth nightmares still happen frequently enough these days. If they meant anything other than what they appeared, then I’m really at a loss of what could be bothering me so much for so many years…
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