Wanting to be known as the one-of-a-kind girl who didn’t mind getting wet — as in, you know, sweating and walking in the blazing sun or the rain — I had let rain and sweat collect a little on my face as I was rushing to work in the drizzle yesterday morning. I was sure I looked cool… no, hot… no, sweaty-cool, until I said “good morning” to the first colleague I met face to face in the restroom.
Not only did she not greet me back, her mouth also twisted into an odd shape as if reflecting something obscure she saw. I turned to the mirror: instead of the cool anime-esque sweat drop(s) I’d expected, I saw huge, round, shiny, non-anime beads of sweat sitting and only sitting on my nose and upper lip. No wonder…
I quickly splashed water all over my face, and noticed that the woman was still staring. In the pathetic attempt to distract her before heading out, I curled my lips into a cool smirk (which I hope was indeed a cool smirk; I didn’t check the mirror) and threw a one-handed Ocelot hand gesture at her — the latter a total slip-up, mind you.

Now they probably think I’m more than just a freak who sweats excessively on some parts of the face. Damn you, Ocelot.
Really, though, if my ginormous hips and thighs were the undesirable traits from my paternal side, then my sweaty nose and upper lip must be those from Mummy Dear’s. The fact that antiperspirants aren’t usually designed for the face doesn’t help either…
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