Here lie once-treasured hardware and tools: replaced by functioning or newer counterparts; immediately never forgotten. RIP, you lot.

Notable deaths:
- Keyboard: Death from
poisoningdrowning. A cockroach crawled on it so I sprayed it. And by “sprayed it” I meant I emptied half a bottle of bug spray into it. - Earphones: Stomped to death. Clean one-hit kill.
- PSU 1.0: Died when I shoved a screwdriver into it. Don’t ask. (This is not PSU 2.0, the one with the fan that died recently. I’m on 3.0 now.)
- Motherboard (micro): Capacitor leaked, motherboard caught fire, panic ensued.
- Floppy disc drive & non-smartphone: I’m too young to know what these are. *blinks*
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