Tag: activity: bushwalk

  • Weekend Away at Blackheath

    Weekend Away at Blackheath

    21 Nov 2014 (Fri), Day 1 Not even a super hot, total-fire-ban weekend could stop us from our planned time away at Blackheath! We took the Friday off from work for this (you know it’s serious business) and some shopping plus driving later, we’re there! Itinerary of the day: a quick trip to Govetts Leap…

  • The Coast Track

    It was another super pleasant and gently breezy 24°C day so there’s no excuse to stay in whatsoever! We decided to head out to the Coast Track at the Royal National Park for a bushwalk, and we certainly planned it a lot better than our last walk to Winifred Falls. tongue We started at around…

  • Hong Kong Trip July 2014

    Hong Kong Trip July 2014

    24 July 2014 (Thu) Day 1: Arrival It was still dark when we got up for our flight from Sydney. I normally wouldn’t get ready so early, but Richard is one of those who prefer to get to the airport well ahead of time. A bit of friendly grumbling from me and some coffee from…

  • Impromptu Winifred Falls Walk

    It’s ANZAC Day and another long weekend! It’s been wet so we stayed in for the morning and did a “The Wire” marathon (Season 4 now), but as soon as the weather cleared up, we headed out for another walk. This time, Richard armed me with a walking stick and took me to the Winifred…

  • Spit Bridge to Manly Walk

    It’s the Easter long weekend. I joined Richard and his friends in the Spit Bridge to Manly walk — my first ever bushwalk! Or I guess more accurately, my first hike where I use the term “bushwalk”, because this is only my first in Australia despite having been here for almost 8 years. Actually, no,…